Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Hi, everybody. 
I have been wanting to go on a little rant about social media.

It has completely taken over and it's almost like a war ground. We are behind this computer or phone screen where nobody can see us and that sometimes leads us to acting like we are someone that we are not truly. 

Social networking has become such an easy place to bully and bring others down. Coming from someone who has been bullied over the Internet, it is the absolute worst because the people behind a screen are not scared to say hurtful things. They may not say it to your face, but on the Internet they will go full force to bring you down. 

What is the point in this? What is the point in judging how someone else is living? We were all brought into this world as unique individuals and we have the right to spend our time here on Earth doing things for ourselves. Life is far too short to live worrying about what others will think or say about you. I am so glad that I have realized that!

We spend so much time trying to do things to feel "accepted" and sometimes those things are not what we actually want. 

If you're one of these people who bullies over the Internet, think about how harmful it is to that persons life. Depression is so common these days and we can't let it increase anymore. You may not think you are bullying, you may say you're just joking around when you make a mean comment, but everyone reads things differently. Especially when it is not said face to face. 

If this is happening to you, I am always open to talk. I have been in your position and I would love to help as many people as I can to fight the feelings. Just this January I lost my best friend to suicide and I would not wish this pain on anyone.  If you need help, please get it. I promise you there are people out there who care and want to make you happy. (Me being one of them) remember you are all beautiful and perfect in each of your own ways.


1 comment:

  1. I completely understand. Social media has became a really scary place there is so much negativity. Great post your blog is so cute and happy.
